Make 2023 Your Year With These New Years Wedding Resolutions
It’s a new year, and that means one thing: a brand-new set of resolutions!
One of the biggest moments of your life is only months away, so why not add some wedding planning goals to your list? Whether you’re a newly engaged couple or one that has been together for years, making and keeping these resolutions will make 2023 the best year yet. Here are some ideas on how to incorporate wedding planning into your New Years Resolutions.
This new year gives you the opportunity to start fresh with everything from budgeting to communication. One goal could be setting boundaries for yourselves before getting too far into the details of planning. Do you want an intimate gathering, or an all-out grand affair? Whatever you decide, make sure it’s something that both of you are comfortable with and have agreed upon. Establishing expectations early on helps avoid any potential arguments down the road. This can help create a great foundation for a lasting marriage!
Start Fresh
This new year gives you the opportunity to start fresh with everything from budgeting to communication. One goal could be setting boundaries for yourselves before getting too far into the details of planning. Do you want an intimate gathering, or an all-out grand affair? Whatever you decide, make sure it’s something that both of you are comfortable with and have agreed upon. Establishing expectations early on helps avoid any potential arguments down the road. This can help create a great foundation for a lasting marriage!
Create A Checklist & Get Organized
Make lists! Create a checklist of all the things that need to be done in order to plan your wedding; this may include booking vendors and venues, designing invitations, choosing flowers and more. Then organize them in order of importance. The feeling of accomplishment as each task is completed is invaluable and so rewarding – trust us! Seeing what (and how much) has been accomplished will give you a boost of confidence throughout the planning process.
Research & Set Aside Time for Planning
Research is key when it comes to wedding planning. Check out various vendors and venues online until you find exactly what you’re looking for—it might take some time but it’ll be worth it in the end! The Lehigh Valley, alone, has tons of beautiful and unique venues. When researching and putting together ideas during specific times in the week (like during lunch breaks or weekends), it keeps your planning organized and less overwhelming than if done sporadically throughout days/weeks/months at random times. Setting aside specific time allows for tasks to get done quicker because there won't be any distractions pulling away focus from achieving goals efficiently - just make sure not to overdo it - don't forget to keep taking breaks too!
Creating resolution goals helps strengthen relationships while also providing structure when tackling big projects like wedding planning. With these tips, we hope 2023 will be your best year yet – now go forth and crush those wedding planning goals! And remember – every now and then, take a break from planning so that both partners can enjoy each other’s company without worrying about seating charts or flower arrangements – let yourself just breathe and take it all in - you deserve it! It seems like such a long journey ahead but trust us…it flies by so savor every moment! Happy New Year!